Ride Definitions

  Trail Rides – Skill Level: All Levels

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  Less Aggressive Off-Trail – Skill Level: Intermediate to Advanced

  More Aggressive Off-Trail – Skill Level: Advanced/Expert

  Trail Rides

These rides will accommodate riders with skill levels ranging from Beginner to Advanced. Rides will use the groomed trail system and will accommodate riders of all ages. Rides will cover approximately 50-70 miles and will be typically done before dark. Families with all ages of riders are welcome, and we will adjust ride mileage for different groups as necessary.

  Less Aggressive Off-Trail Rides

  • Skill level required for these rides is Intermediate to Advanced. Groomed trails will be used to access play areas such as meadows and slight slopes.
  • These rides are open to all Winter Knights members and their guests that have a desire to learn the basic skills needed to ride off trail.
  • The only requirement for these rides are a modern long track mountain sled, a good shovel, and a sense of humor. A 2-way radio is suggested as additional equipment.
  • These rides are good for evaluating riders wanting to participate in the More Aggressive Off-Trail Rides (see below).

  More Aggressive Off-Trail Rides

  • Skill level required for these rides is Advanced/Expert.
  • Advanced off trail skills are needed to participate in these rides. Rides will be a mix of groomed & ungroomed trails to access riding areas.
  • Portions of these rides will be in treed areas with somewhat technical and challenging terrain and modest side-hilling.
  • There will be plenty of chances for attempting steep climbs and descents.
  • There will be plenty of opportunity to learn new skills.
  • Avalanche Awareness Training is a suggested part of these rides, although not required, as well as having the proper equipment to include a modern long-track mountain sled, backpack with shovel and probe, 2-way radio, and an up-to-date Avalanche Beacon properly worn.
  • Due to the nature of these rides, it is recommended that riders wishing to participate in the More Aggressive Off-Trail Rides attend one of the Less Aggressive Off-Trail Rides initially to become familiar with the ride leaders and learn the expectations of this ride category.