Search and Rescue (SAR)

Spokane Winter Knights Search and RescueMission:

  • Provide snowmobile and ATV support to the Spokane County Sheriff’s Office emergency response program.
  • Provide emergency treatment and equipment recovery for Winter Knights’ club rides.
  • Provide emergency assistance elsewhere, should the need arise.

Search and Rescue (SAR) volunteers are club members willing to commit their personal time and effort to be on the front line with the goal of saving lives. SAR volunteers must strive to meet State Certification requirements, and once accomplished, continue with proficiency training. Training meetings are normally held on the 4th Thursday of the month from September through March. Meetings begin at 6:00pm (1800 hours) and are held at the Department of Emergency Management (DEM) building located at 1121 West Gardner in Spokane.

Contact Information:

Director – Greg Figg
[email protected]